The Cold Realism mod for Banished

I'm glad you've found out what the problem is. Sorry about your dead vegetables.


Well I did a little test tonight, I added Compatibilty mod back in  I had 5 starts with my cart empty, zero stuff. 1 game with tools only I tried to play it but, they idled themselves to death over stone.

I had one game that had all ingridents in the cart that game they idled themselves to death but I diidn't know what it was at the time. in the second game I figured out they could harvest it but not put it in a stockpile.  I had one start with tools and clothes, I didn't play it.  I took out the compatibility mod and loaded just <abbr title="Colonial Charter">cc</abbr> 1.73 and megamod and played  a game for a while.



I updated the compatibility mod. Hopefully this one works a bit better.


Thaniks I will try it

Okay, I'm using this and I've found one issue, but it is working,  When  hunter kills and animal, in my case a deer, he just leaves it nothing will get him to pick it up and place it in storage. However, when attempting a fix by putting in a food cellar, the labor went out and promptly picked up the meat.  I will update this I forgot to wait it out for the leather and bonemeal.
