"No disease" mod?

there is a blog somewhere with info on how the bannies handle the herbs. seems they go get the herb then go see the herbalist. if you are seeing bannies bypass the hospital i would assume that is why. they need to go get the medicine.

  everyone plays different. i usually start sm,all and use a dock herb grower. boost the herb limit up to 1000.if i hit the limit or after so long and adding herbalists to forest sets,i will up that limit.if yiou get an epidemic you will want all the herbs you can find. i have found the more the bannies are busy the less death and sickness you have.if they are loitering around with nothing to do,especially winter months,then you have more chance of sickness or just odd deaths. as you play you may find other odd quirks like that. others may argue those quirks don't exist. i have seeen odd things happen enough to wonder if there are things hidden deep in the game code that we are not aware of.

   i'll give you an example. nomads is supposedly completely random. if you do not get nomads in under 5 years do something. anything. see if all of a sudden they show up.i'll leave you to figure out what "anything" means or is though. no more clues.


trying to reply but getting 500 HTTP error lol


the disease is not a "disaster" mechanic.


when you check no disasters, you cancel the tornados, the crop/orchard infestations, and the fire to buildings. that all

diseases are controlled by something else and can happends no matter what you have disaster on/off


diseases code is controlled by the Game/Disease/Diseases.rsc file which has this :

ExternalList resource


    External _resources


















it calls each independant disease file which have all their own chance to "happend" and chance/radius of transmission.

probably a mod can be done, but i am not sure how the game will react to it. for example of a try a modder can do is  to delete all external _resource list:

ExternalList resource


    External _resources





How would the game react to it ??


In large towns it's also worth building whatever herb seller you might have from the various mods, somewhere close to the hospital to reduce the distance the ill person has to travel to get treatment. This can help to stop them infecting other people as they travel to the hospital.


Herbs (and herbalists) don't cure disease; they just help make people healthier, along with a balanced diet, so they don't get sick in the 1st place.  It is a good idea to have an Herbalist in a convenient location so people don't have to travel far to get their potions (as opposed to traveling way out to the forest).  Also, a lot of people place hospitals on the edge of town to try to keep sick people from walking through the village and coming in contact with people.


One sick banni behaviour is that they will leave the hospital to get food and can spread the disease as they go, so I try to place the hospital at the end of a dead-end road with a barn between it and the main thoroughfare. It helps to use a barn with an entrance front and back eg vanilla so sick bannis use one entrance and working bannis use the other.


On 5/6/2017 at 7:12 PM, Johntodd said:

My people seem to avoid hospitals

this might not be the worst thing, as <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/10453-diospectre/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="10453" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/10453-diospectre/">@Diospectre</a>  recently gave me food for thought: "Avoid building hospital too close to the residential or crowded area (e.g. markets) if possible. So once a citizen gets sick, it won't spread out a lot while he is being healed in the hospital."  

i have always put a full size hospital in the middle of my most dense neighborhoods, because of the happiness radius. now, all i see is the first few sick people running into the hospital, potentially infecting everyone they pass, which is a lot of folks, 'cuz it's in a high-pop. area.

i will think twice about hospital placement next time.

post is here: 

<iframe data-embedcontent="" frameborder="0" src="<___base_url___>/index.php?/topic/1394-planner-or-random/&do=embed&comment=8127&embedComment=8127&embedDo=findComment"></iframe>



I used to build hospital around the crowd for the sake of accessibility, but if backfired me instead. I lost half of my citizens.

Now I left my hospital alone and laid some decorations (fountain, benches, signs, flower beds, etc - mods required -) around it, so it wouldn't look so lonely.

And well, accepting nomads will also raise up the possibility of getting an outbreak, sadly. Disabling sickness from debug menu, having a full health bar, and having a massive amount of herbs will not totally stop the possibility of getting it. Those doctors are your real heroes.... and those farmers... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy.png[/img]/emoticons/happy@2x.png 2x" title="^_^" width="20" />


i always put the hospital in a very isolated place far on the map out of range of idle attraction.


oh by the way , at the very start of the toolkit, 33 months ago... i made a specail little mod to delete the idlers attractors radius to the vanilla hospital


the mod was called : Bobbi's Special DoctorHouse. ^^ (was a special request of an old member called Bobbi)


still can have it here: http://worldofbanished.com/index.php?act...iew;down=1
