Not getting any nomads

Now this is annoying. Playing a new map - and again, no nomads. This time I picked this map (seed 999) mentioned in this post:

<iframe data-embedcontent="" frameborder="0" src="<___base_url___>/index.php?/topic/32-very-large-maps-with-lakes/&do=embed&comment=61&embedComment=61&embedDo=findComment#comment-61"></iframe>

thinking that maybe a map that some people here have been playing might be a good map. But no. No nomads. I build town hall and bridges. A long dock crossing that big lake. And waited and waited.

I have never had this problem before <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>: Journey. After installing that mod version I have seen 0 nomads. Played 3 maps.


So, what the hey, I tried X-lg map 999, Lake Waters, Northern Pines Easy using <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> Journey 1.75. I used DeBug to plop down bridges (about 8 of them) over rivers and streams (did not place one across the lake).  I put the Town Hall to the south of the village next to a road that ran through a bridge to the land below. I wanted to make sure it was easy to get to.  Across the Bridge on the same road, I put Kid1293's Welcoming Statue which also draws Nomads. Using DeBug, I added enough people until I had 37 adults, 4 students and 13 children. I didn't have a trading post, but I did have an old Market (markets aren't required). Ran the town at 10X. In Late Spring of year 4, both sites got Nomads almost at the same time - 6 at the Town Hall and 9 at the Welcoming Statue.  

I don't know what to tell you. Worked for me. 


This is a mystery. I'll try that Welcoming statue and see what happens.


Finally!! After building a Welcoming statue on the other side of the big lake I was able to get some nomads. The town hall or the  nomad well (which should attract them every year) - no success. I built those two on the western side of the lake. And the statue on the eastern side.

[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

Edit: actually, right after getting them to the Statue I got another group to the well too.


