Where can I download MegaMod 0.06?

Alt-tab out entirely,, do other stuff while it loads, and check regularly [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

3 hours ago, shinkarom said:

Do you mean to switch to another window or you mean to minimize the window entirely?

alt + tab or use the window menu keyboard stoke between left control and the left alt to the left side of your keyboard, it will take you out of the full screen balck screen and call your menu and then choose your internet explorer or chrome and go surf during that time... it speed up so much.


in fact, the game has a mod control check subroutine. and if you alt tab, the game is forced to skip that subroutine where is from the loading speed increased.


I don't use full screen, only windowed mode.

I downloaded MegaMod 8 and placed it in WinData folder, but Banished crashdumped when starting up.

Since MegaMod 6 now requires compatibility patches end even then may not be fully compatible, I guess I'll just stick to <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>. Hope Black Liquid won't abandon it in the favor of MegaMod.

Thank you for your attention.


15 minutes ago, shinkarom said:

I don't use full screen, only windowed mode.


fullscreen or windowed, you still can go surf during that time. i am not talking of you but i think many people dont know what is it "alt-tab" like back in time in 80's people didnt know how to format a floppy disk. i repeat it, not talking of you, Shin.


Rather than "alt-tabbing" you can just press the Windows key at the bottom left corner of your keyboard, it will minimize Banished and bring the Start Menu to the front. When the music starts you are good to go !

If you need to relieve stress on your computer and free a good chunk of RAM, just close every open windows and quit every non essential applications running in the background (often found in the task bar). For the ones you can't quit and if you are computer savvy (power users only) open your Task Manager and kill all unwanted running process.

If you are not computer savvy you can open the Performance tab in your Task Manager to follow the loading progress of Banished. It's fun to watch while waiting and the Task Manager by itself does not use much RAM. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


It appears to be in the Banished Workshop on Steam. 
