Where can I download MegaMod 0.06?

It's the last version that runs on my computer. The next ones require too much memory and load for too much time. But 0.06 can be loaded, even if barely.


if you can run banished then you can run last version of megamod just need a lot of time to load


I am bothered by the fact that the files for MegaMod 8 are twice the size of my whole RAM. Also, with my attention deficit I wouldn't tolerate the game that loads for half a hour or more.


If you want the very old versions of MegaMod, they are still up on BanishedInfo (I think we don't actually have the ones older than 0.07 on this site, the previous ones were on our old website) here.

There are potential version conflicts though, depending on how up-to-date your Banished game is. If you are still running old versions of Banished, the old Megamod should work. If you updated to Banished 1.0.7, you'll need to add the compatibility mod above Megamod. It was made for MM0.07 though so there might be a few weird side effects on older versions. On the other hand, if you are still running an old version of Banished, that could be why the more recent <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> mod isn't working for you. It's worth checking that detail [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


(As a side note, <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> itself grew a lot between the version that was used in <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 0.06 and now. IT's quite possible that <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> on its own would be enough to keep you entertained, and you could hand-pick a few things to throw in the mix and enable/disable depending on what you feel like building for each new town. IT's what I tend to do.)



Will the compatibility patch work with MegaMod 0.06? (of course I am using the newest version of Banished, it's the computer that can't support multicore CPU and much RAM).


you can download the older version 0.06 from here:

<iframe data-embedcontent="" frameborder="0" src="<___base_url___>/index.php?/files/file/72-megamod/&do=embed"></iframe>

** now I know this is the link to 0.07, but scroll down to the bottom just before the comments where it says:

What's New in Version 0.07   "See changelog"

click on the "See changelog" button, change to 0.60

now below you will see With version 0.60: and a  'download' link to download the earlier version.

alternatively the mega mod is on banishedinfo also, and if you click on Change log you can also download earlier versions


my firend play with megamod 8 rc 2 on single core cpu 3.0 and 2,5 gb of RAM he just wait a lot of time for game to load but when game is loaded works fine


Looks reassuring, krinius, but "a lot of time" might be too long for my patience. I'll still download MegaMod 8, just to make sure.


you can try to speed up loading time with alt+tab or windows button this don't work for everyone for me it speed up to 5-6 min with alt+tab from 30-40 min if I don't alt+tab.


Do you mean to switch to another window or you mean to minimize the window entirely?
