I've watched a lot of Banished YouTubers...

On 2/21/2017 at 11:25 AM, Canemane said:

Not really sure what you mean with min/max, i asume you mean most whats most efficient work a bannie can do.

Like in vanila miners and foresters produce barely enough to feed them while choppers make a ton of value, more then 20 times a miner makes.

In <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> and <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> there is stackburner that makes charcoal from wood and makes ridiculus amount of value ( so overpowerd imho that it feals like cheating). Also now there are ocupations that even make negative value. Check out this site http://www.silisoftware.com/tools/banish...l-charter/ they have a lot of info on most buildings and their output. Its not up to date but its pretty good info for most stuff.

Havent played much of <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> yet, but as i can tell its not so much balanced cause of so many different mods, but for me thats life like and fun.

Heres a few occupations that make about 800-1200 of value if placed right, which is great, and that dont have a large footprint. Hunter, gatherer, reed farm, rice planter, tailors, butchers, bee shelter, curing barn...

Most ocupations are part of some production chain so while not beeing profitable on there own make vaalue in a chain. One example that bugs me is Cooper which produces barrels and barely makes any value while also making too small quantity of barrels imho. But with quay fisherman and smokehouse there is nice value in that chain. But if you skip barel making and just buy them from traders there is even more value.

I still havent played enugh of <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> to check all it has to offer so i probably missed something.

For me it's not always about economic advantage, in some cases I'm just looking for the most efficient layout I can do.  How many markets do I really have to put down to keep things moving around well.  What's the best ways to use all the various stockpiles.  I chop wood in the forest but on the other side of the map I have my sawmill to cut lumber.  Because a forester works best when there is minimal building in it's circle.  Which would suggest a road, their housing, gatherer and housing, herbalist and housing, hunter and housing.. then storage and stockpile and you're really getting inefficient, so maybe moving the housing out would be best and make them walk back and forth, that would allow the houses to be closer to the market too, or should one put the market in the middle of the trees with everything else?  

There's got to be a more optimal way.  

A better mechanic in the game would be to let us choose the size of our circles, of course the bigger the circle the more people you need to work the whole thing.  But at least then you can make a HUGE circle and just put everything the workers need in it without losing a ton of efficiency.  

I'm using this as an example, but I encounter this type of thing a lot.  like with farms/orchards/pastures and industrial areas where you make your various later stage of the game items.  I know you can optimize the size of those based on what you're laying down, but where do you put the houses? Marketplace, barns and stockpiles to optimize things, and what's a great road layout to take advantage of the game mechanics?  

I know.... I go deep.  lol 


Messages In This Thread
I've watched a lot of Banished YouTubers... - by Bro - 02-22-2017, 11:10 PM