Both MM enabled - not all content showing?

Hi all,

first of all thanks to the devs. for developing these awesome mods. I have an issue however. I use both MegaMods (the one with <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> and the Deko Mod) and when i enable both the Deco Mods seems to override some content from the other MegaMod. No change if I reverse the order of the mods. Can someone help me? Plus it seems that I only get trade animals, is this a bug or do I need to built a specific trader?

Would appreciate some help [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


What content is missing?


some buildings are missing (e.g. houses), maybe the trade animal issue is also related


Please be specific as to exactly which houses are missing so we can find out why that is happening.  

When you say you only have trade animals, is that because that's all the trader brings?  Which trader (there are a number of them). Have you tried ordering other livestock?


have a trader that brings all seeds, materials and trade animals. but there is no possibility to order "normal" animals. this trader seems to me as those "complete" traders you can have because he really has everything else. All other traders are get only have materials or seeds or trade animals. with no trader I can order normal animals.


I'm guessing that this particular vendor doesn't sell regular livestock.  Try building a Farm Supplier. Some of those vendors should bring regular livestock.
