Help! Crashing on Pausing Civic Buildings

As per title, since yesterday if I place a civic building no matter what it is (tried all the various Town Halls courthouse immigration office etc Well and Nomad Well work ok) and then click to pause the building of it, game crashes. Houses churches markets etc are fine just town halls etc

I'm running megamod 7

This is a new problem and I can't find out why

Changed from directx11 to directx9 and no difference

Its making designing my towns difficult as I can't pause anything!

Thanks very much


Have you updated to the new beta version of Banished? (version 1.0.7)

or are you playing with v 1.0.6 ?


7 hours ago, Discrepancy said:

Have you updated to the new beta version of Banished? (version 1.0.7)

or are you playing with v 1.0.6 ?

nope tried the beta and the mod and mod compatibility thing but wouldn't work properly. Got a game going eventually last night but had to disable everything but New Flora Mod and Mod Deco pack and can now place and pause Meeting House but not any of the other civic buildings.

Tried many combinations including the beta version and had to just roll everything back to how it was except for the new megamod in order for things to work properly. Hey hum sure it will get sorted at some point. Miss my lilac trees though!


Uninstalled and reinstalled Banished (which took 2 days!) finally got it working but still even with just the megamod and deco pack loaded, can't place civic buildings except for Meeting House
