yield on crops MM .07

Updated to <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr>.07 and crops wont yield anything at all. Tried different crops, increased the workers to quad standards and still can't get my yield above 1%.

Anyone have any ideas?


What climate did you choose? Temperature affects crop growth, so if it's too cold, things won't grow.


Mediterranean. Orchards did fine, its just the crops.


If you look here: http://blackliquidsoftware.com/index.php?/topic/40-temperatures-in-colonial-charter/

When you're playing, watch the temperature. Is it getting below 40, even in the spring?  There are a few cold resistant crops, but most won't grow if it's under 40.


It usually gets to around 55, 40 on rare occasion, but squash is rated for 25. The other is horn carrots i think. 


It usually gets to around 55, 40 on rare occasion, but squash is rated for 25. The other is horn carrots i think. 


Figured it out. Too hot. Gets to 100 easily. Thanks for your help!
