Bonemeal and the Missing "L"

Two odd issues. I did a search but couldn't find an answer to either of them

Trying to demolish a storage cart but the bonemeal won't go to the barn or to a storage pile so the cart won't completely demolish


For a week or so now, the letter "L" disappears from text...e.g. App e   or  ogs vanishes in all texts such as barn storage or the scrolling text event window but not on every word with an L in it...I might get the alert Logs low 3 times and the last "low" will be without an L...tis an odd one thats for sure don't know if anyone else has noticed this


I don't know about the bone meal issue but I have the same with the missing L, and it is on all vanilla games as well. It comes in and out depending on if you spin the view or zoom around a little bit.


strange one for sure hadn't noticed it relate to zooming or whatever...will keep an eye out for that

As for the bonemeal seems it doesn't go into normal barns anymore.....put up a little side house storage and it wentinto there thankfully can now demolish my storage cart


Depending on your mod list setup, it *should* be going in your regular storage barn.  It's in the new "Misc" category, so older mods that don't know about the new limits, but that also alter the Storage Barn won't understand them.

I believe that <abbr title="New Medieval Town">NMT</abbr> is like this, as well as MegaMod 0.07.  If either of these is on top of <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75, then things will be weird.


My load order is <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> Compatability mod then CCJ then its megamod and megamod deco pack 


I get missing Ls too.   Depends on the zoom/spin, but also I have scaled down the interface(s) a bit to take up less screen space.


I frequently see Bonemea, Coa, etc.

