Orchards not producing


Recently started playing with both the Colonial Charter 1.71 and Megamod 0.06. When making orchards I have noticed that my orchards do not produce any items. I have tried both normal and dense orchard types and I have added extra workers to no avail. If I have the orchard selected and there is a Yield % and I hit Harvest, they will harvest items, but when left on their own, the orchards are never harvested. 

Any ideas?




It takes 4 years for orchards to mature and produce crops - have you waited long enough?  To maximize production, make sure you have a barn nearby with room in it and a house nearby for the farmer.


have you tried adding the forever orchard mod?place it above <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> and then those orchards will produce in the 1st year.


> It takes 4 years for orchards to mature and produce crops

I am about 100 years into my town and still nothing from Apricot or Walnut. Strangely, the White Mulberry orchard seems to have no issues. Also, the Apricot orchard sometimes reports that they have harvested cotton? I will see if I can grab a screenshot. 


>have you tried adding the forever orchard mod

I have not, but I will give it a shot and see if it helps. 

Screenshot of Apricot orchard producing only cotton:

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=913850621 - shows field type

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=913850634 - shows cotton produced




do you have the fields blocked with fences pr something? i usually leave a row width open all around them. sounds like the workers are acting as laborers which means they won't work or can't.i als thought i read the other day that the SW corner is the starting corner for the fields. so if there is something the bannies placed on the ground there it could block entry also.


I don't remember there being a problem where Apricot orchards produce Cotton in 1.71 but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That type of discrepancy is usually caused by an error in a string table calling up the wrong product.  If that's the case, your Apricot Trees will always produce Cotton. It's hard to see what is going on in your pictures since they are taken in winter during a snow storm. However, I think you should check pathing for workers to see if they live near the field and make sure your nearby barns have room. Also make sure your food limit is high enough.  (And verify that you planted your orchards at least 4 years ago.)

Cotton is a good crop, even if it isn't what you wanted. You can make Cloth from it at the Weavers and it is worth 8 points.

You could upgrade to <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75 which will also give you the new flags (think categories). You'll need to make sure you're using Banished Beta 1.0.7 - build 170320 and are using the 1.0.7 Compatibility Mod.  Also, upgrade to <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> .07 and <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> .07 Deco.  Load order:  Compatibilty Mod, <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75, <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> .07, <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> .07 Deco - those are all available from this forum.


Thanks for all the tips. If I upgrade my <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> and <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> would I need to start a new game? I just started messing around with mods since it looks like they won't be adding any more achievements. 

