missing starting conditions from megamod 0.07

When I use <abbr title="Colonial Charter">cc</abbr> 1.75 together with Megamod 0.07, I am missing the starting conditions from Megamod, the ones with [DSSV] in the name

Banished 1.0.7 beta

Load order:

1. <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75

2. <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 0.07

3. <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> Decopack 0.07

4. Time is Money


d you need the 1.07 compatibility mod??you could force the issue and load the DS above <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>.


The Compatibility mod together witch reverse load order did the trick i think. Haven't played more than few minutes to test. I now have AND the Megamod starting conditions AND the <abbr title="Colonial Charter">cc</abbr> 1.75 resources list 


load order:

1   1.0.7 compaibility

2   <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 0.07

3   <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> Decopack 0.07

4   <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75

5   Time is Money


<abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 0.07 has <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.71 in it, so will pretty much negate any changes in <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75 with that order.



Yes I noticed. While I have the resources list from <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75, the resources are actually listed the old way (eg. furnace fuel = materials instead of industrial)

Is there a way to get all the benefits from the 2 mods? (the extensive resources list from <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75 and the starting conditions from <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 0.07)


Hi <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/17731-atomizer/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="17731" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/17731-atomizer/">@Atomizer</a> if memory serves, one of the core reasons that the DSSV starts were 'separate' was because of the DSSV Jetty & Docks etc, however since <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> was able to include all the DSSV items (jetty, docks, housing etc), they didn't need their own start conditions.  <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/6338-discrepancy/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="6338" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/6338-discrepancy/">@Discrepancy</a> can correct me on that [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />  I think that's the simplest way of explaining it.

It the latest mods, you can start with a standard start condition, then build the DSSV buildings straight away and build your DSSV village that way, rather than it being pre-built, I know it's a shame, but unless BL change their start conditions, it is the way it is, currently.

How I start normally is on Medium, and build my preferred theme straight away, or for more resources, use Easy, then first thing 'demolish' all the starting houses, then build the preferred ones in as you want to.  Takes a little bit more time, but I start with 4 builders, and it's the first thing they do - I always leave 1 original house until the new ones have been built, then remove the last original (normally the one next to the barn).  I have no problems getting a DSSV theme village running under these conditions.

As for the load order, the correct order for Banished 1.0.7 is:

1)  Time is Money 

2)  [img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2017_06/59510248354ee_120170513dSUpBLMM.jpg.593f41a5a5f56dc494bf6c8b7191c1bd.jpg[/img]

Time is money could also be loaded under <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> Deco, though I would load it above the Compatibility mod, all my game altering, start conditions, and UI mods go at the top of the list.



Thanks @Governor for the explanation... Unfortunally the themed buildings are not the reason I like the DSSV starting conditions. I like a "Jack and Jill" start or an "Easy orchards" start and the "plains with lake" map.

I tried starting a <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> map, saving it and continue with <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75 loaded, but that didn't work. So now I am playing 2 games: one with all the mods, and one with <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> only, starting with Jack and Jill.




Place <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75 above <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 0.07 for it to take precedence. As for other mods, higher is usually better, or newer ones higher etc. Some may break things in lower mods, so you may find you have to adjust the order a bit. From memory, only one mods starting conditions and maps apply, that of the highest placed.

<p style="color:#666666;">
load order:

<p style="color:#666666;">
1   1.0.7 compatibility

<p style="color:#666666;">
2   <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75

<p style="color:#666666;">
3   <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 0.07

<p style="color:#666666;">
4   <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> Decopack 0.07

<p style="color:#666666;">
