Years 10+ Food shortage and dying

Ah I see what you mean now. 

Now about market places the people employed at the market place will do all the moving around of goods between the marketplaces and the storage barns


Also, don't forget to pay attention to how many the babies are born each year because they eat the same amount of food. And use the trader to exchange any excess items for food. People usually produce massive fuel (firewood) because they worth a lot compared to most food and are easy to produce.

To me, food shortage is the most hated part of this game. I hate hoarders who stack a lot of food in their houses. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/5846341d6f454_EmojisApplebyKawaiiDarkToxic478.png[/img]


I'd disagree with the advice to not build fishing docks. Building a fishing dock as early as you can is a great way to get a lot of food after just a couple of years.

I'd also suggest changing your crop field size to 15x8 or 12x10 and using just one farmer. This provides the second best food production of any crop field size and will produce 840 food per educated worker compared to a 10x10 field which will produce 700 units of food per educated worker. The best field size for food production is 11x11 which will produce 847 food per educated worker. I use field size of 15x8 because I personally prefer a field that looks like a rectangle and not a square.

If you want to see a comparison of food production for the crop fields, orchards and livestock paddocks, I totally recommend you play around with the Field Size Calculator found on the Banished Info site - direct link here

EDIT: Also, it can be worth building extra storage barns early in your start and increasing the food limit on production to say 30,000 or more. Let them over produce food so that you have a healthy stockpile building up before you hit Year 10.
