Cotton production dropped for no reason...?

So, I'm running Journey, having a pretty good time with my village of 150-ish people. But my cotton production has dropped and I can't figure out why. :-\

Until recently I've just had one 11x11 plantation going for cotton. Like clockwork, it's produced 868 a year, until a few years back, when it dropped to 310. There have been no infestations, no severe weather changes that I've noticed, and none of the other crops or plantations have had any dropoff. I poked around... finally noticed the farmer for that field was miserably unhappy despite high overall happiness in the town. Okay, mystery solved.... right?

I swapped laborers around, made sure the new farmer was educated, had steel tools, and was at max happiness/health. Settled back assuming I'd fixed the issue. But no, another year goes by, and the harvest is still at 310. I check the farmer: everything's fine there.

Mildly perplexed, I switched out a neighboring plantation's sugar cane and the cotton. The sugar cane grew fine; even in the new field, the cotton carried on at a sluggish 310. I've built a second cotton plantation and that one is also producing only 310 worth of cotton a year (despite educated, happy, excellent tools, excellent clothes farmers in both plantations).

What's going on? Does production just start dropping at a certain point in the game and I've hit that point? All of my other fields, orchards, plantations, etc, are still producing steadily at the 800+ mark a year. :-\


ough crops can drop due to several reasons,what you describe appears to be a different issue.crops can drop due to cold and snow earlier in become laborers in winter and sometimes get back to fields late.try not to clear land far away in winter.uneducated workers will produce less also.since you have 2 fields andthe new 1 does produce,i will assume you di not hit the limit on textiles.if the field was blocked,i would think it wouldn't produce at spread out is storage and housing? is it possable the barn fills and then he needs to travel farther to finish harvest?


have you added a new mod lately which could contain another version of cotton with different numbers ?


My first though was similar to Red's. Have you added any new mods (are there any other than <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> that have cotton?) and even if you haven't, what other mods are you using?


I have only Colonial Charter: Journey and have never installed, or even DL'd, any other mods.

Like I said: I've noticed no severe weather, and in any case this is a multi-year issue... I think this is year 5 or 6 of the reduced cotton (and only cotton! I have a dozen other crops growing and everything else is fine). Farmers have a short commute to the field.  I have a big surplus of laborers and haven't been assigning them far-off tasks anyway. Again, this problem has persisted multiple in-game years, not just one cycle.

The farmers are educated, and it's not a limits cap. The fields are wide open on all sides and not blocked. The only thing brought up so far that I haven't doublechecked is the storage-- I have some lean-to storage directly adjacent to the fields, but it might be getting overwhelmed and forcing them to a longer commute... still, I have a storage barn that's a relatively short distance, so I'd be surprised if it's a storage issue. I'll run a year through and check, though.


Are you using the option where farmers harvest the cotton and laborers pickup the harvested cotton? Or are you using the option where farmers harvest and then also take cotton to storage? It's the pickup option button on the field dialogue box. If the farmers are doing it all that does slow them down quite a bit, and that can lower yield. But I wouldn't expect it to be so consistently lowered year after year.

This is a strange problem. You might want to start a new game and see what happens.


I tinkered with storage, and with pickup/non-pickup. While having the laborers pick it up certainly cleared a field faster, the production remained at 310 (I even ran one plantation with pickup and the other without, at the same time. Commute to deposit goods is literally right next to the field, with plenty of room in those storage spaces, but doesn't matter, the cotton plantations still only produce 310 a year, each. So weird. :-\

Fortunately, my town's economy isn't built around cotton or anything, and I just picked up flax seeds for an alternate fabric as well, but I'm mystified as to the why of this. If it starts happening with some of my staple crops, I probably will have to start a new town. In the meantime I guess I'll just keep going with this one, it's 45 years in and I'm fond of it...


I've actually noticed that a lot of non-food crops don't produce nearly what they used to in the most recent versions of Colonial Charter. Cotton/Flax/Herbs/Tobacco/etc... all of these crops seem to have been nerfed in production to the point where I need 3 to 4 times as many fields to support production than what I needed before.


I've noticed on and off, since the first version of <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr>, that every now and then a field or orchard will have low production for no apparent reason.  The field can be close to housing and storage, and yet, it just doesn't produce.  If you delete the field and put down a new one, it will work the way it's supposed to.  So I dunno, maybe now and then a field is bugged for some mysterious reason.



Sometimes it is caused by and uneducated worker taking over from and educated one. Production will drop by about 25%.  Crop production can also be affected by the weather in harsher climates.
