Boarding House not being used

I have nobody in my boarding house and 5 people walking around homeless. Is this a glitch? Last time this happened, I kept building houses to take care of homeless and it became a huge mess. I had to start a new game. There seems to be a lot more mysterious issues coming up with this version/mod that I never had with the Steam version. But Steam wouldn't run this mod, so I got the developer's version. I have lost track of the number of times things have gone haywire and I have had to start new towns. I used to run out of room at around 300 years. Now I can't even make it to 150 without something going wrong. Hunters stop collecting leather (but plenty of venison), Blacksmiths suddenly stop making tools (even though there is over 400 iron bars and 2000 logs), people becoming homeless with empty boarding houses. I'm not new to Banished, but this stuff has never happened to me before.


Were the homeless people walking around town? If that's the case, check with the road laying tool that the pathing into the boardhouse is free and not somehow blocked by another building or a bump in the terrain elevation caused by placing something else nearby.

Are they wandering on the "wrong" side of a river without a bridge to find their way back? That happens on maps that apparently have a buggy point somewhere along the edge, allowing people to find a "path" to the other side of a nearby river but leaving them stranded and confused afterwards. Temporary "fix" for that is to add bridges on all nearby rivers, but ultimately if the map itself has a buggy point, you're better off restarting on a different one. (That happened on vanilla Banished too).

3rd (and most likely I think) option: Are you building docks on a lake? Labourers have no problem walking under water to bring the wood to the right place to build a dock piece, but as soon as they drop the wood there, the bit of dock is built with the labourer standing on it. If they brought the wood for one of the dock pieces further into the lake first, they get suck on an isolated bit of dock with no way back to shore until other workers finish the rest of the dock. People with no way back home are seen as homeless, so you can easily end up with a bunch of "homeless" people that will not "move into" any house or boarding house simply because they can't reach them. The only "fix" for that is to make sure you space out the dock building orders and place the ones closer to shore first. Or if you want to do them all at once, make sure you have enough wood and labourers so that no one gets stuck for too long waiting for the rest to be built.


There is a path from the boarding house to the other houses, everything is in a central location, so none of my workers can get on the wrong side, and I have not gotten far enough in this town to build any docks or fishing piers. When I do an upgrade on a house, they go to the boarding house, but as soon as the house is reoccupied, within a few minutes, I have 2-3 homeless people again and none will move to the boarding house. The only way they will use it is if I do an upgrade or tear down the house, forcing them to move out. My only option is to build a couple of houses every year, which typically causes a population boom after a few years. I do have the "one year is one year" mod also enabled, but that should not cause the homeless population...or never has before.


Boarding Houses are only occupied by your starting citizens or those whose home has been destroyed or Nomads. The problem here is you seem to have homeless people who have left a home and they don't seem to fit in any of these categories.  This isn't normal behavior. You should try playing a game without One Year is One Year and see if it still occurs. Otherwise, they'll need to stay homeless or you need to build them a house. If you're concerned that it will result in a population explosion, build a small house such as a Shack that only fits 3 people, limiting the number of children they'll have. Spread the building over several seasons.


I will try that. Thank you.


Oh, now that I think about it, One Year is One Year is a mod that touches something about the distances the AI see as valid to pick a job or a house, and also changes the valid ages for kids to marry or become adults. It could indeed cause issues.

If you want slow aging, you could give RealTimeAging a try. As far as I'm aware, the only thing it adjusts is the aging speed and the fact that a new couple will require at least one of the 2 "kids" to be at least 16 to be formed. I've used it a lot without issues and find it a lot more realistic than 1 year is 1 year.


are you using the "bigger families " mod? i had an nissue where bannies were kicking people out as fast as i built houses.been a long time ago.took several years to figure out what was going on and was a residency mod and the bigger families i am no longer using so i assume it was that 1. i have not seen an aging mod do it by itself.not saying it can't be affected by some other mod though. i use proper time mod from WOB.
