Game Freezes

After fighting my way through several weird glitches, I finally have a town that just celebrated their bicentennial. Now, every time I load the game/town, within 2 minutes, the whole game freezes and I have to restart my computer. I have tried lowering the graphics, but it still freezes. I'm afraid if I have to start over AGAIN, I might rage quit for good this time. I put A LOT of time into planning my town and building a storyline. My creative juices are starting to run dry with all the restarts. Any suggestions that will help me keep enjoying my game without the constant "thrill" of starting over?




It's hard to tell from the info you provided. Which mods are you using, their version #s and order?  Did you add/change any mods after you started this town? What were the "weird glitches" you experienced?


could be just a bad save file. did you try loading a different save?? i try to keep at least 1 other save when i exit for the day.


I save as I go, so previous saves would mean loss of progress. And going back to a previous save only causes it to freeze once I return to that level of progress again.

I only use the MegaMod 0.07. I have started almost all of the new towns with only that since loading the mod. As for previous glitches: people running out of food with plenty in storage with storage near every group of homes, hunters stop collecting leather (but plenty of venison), blacksmiths suddenly stop making tools (even though there is over 400 iron bars and 2000 logs), people becoming homeless with empty boarding houses (seems they don't move in there with this version).

Don't get me wrong - this is an awesome mod with all the bells and whistles one could ever ask for or need. But like an expensive sports car, it isn't practical if it breaks down on you every 100 miles.  That is not too bad if you're a mechanic, but not if changing your oil is a major accomplishment. :-)


The problem appears to be that you are using MegaMod 0.07 without the 1.0.7 Compatibility mod.  When Banished was updated to version 1.0.7, it added new flags/limits/categories, causing conflicts with older mods that could cause all of the problems you've listed.  To fix this, download the Compatibility mod FROM HERE and put it above MegaMod 0.07 in the mod list. 

MegaMod is currently being updated and is being beta tested. MM8 contains <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.75 and other mods that have been updated to be compatible with Banished 1.0.7.  


Thank you - I will try that.


I appreciate the help, but I think I am done. I downloaded the file and put it above MegaMod (they both turned red) and still could not get my saved game to run. I bit the bullet and started a new town. Now the game crashes every time I quit to find a better map. (this mod forces you to flatten terrain as your starting map is impossible to work with - I even tried loading some of my favorite maps and this mod changes the terrain to be more hilly)

I'm just going to go back to my plain-Jane vanilla version. It may not have all the fancy features, but at least I can play it.  Thanks anyway.


I'm sorry you're still having problems.  When you add or delete a mod, you need to exit Banished completely before going back in.

Mods turn red because they affect the same code - not because they're incompatible and won't work together.  Your save game won't work because it is is using the old flags/limits/categories. When you add a mod that affects lots of stuff - especially flags and the buildings that use them (trading post, town hall, etc), you always need to start a new town.  I'm sorry I didn't know that you knew that.

I have no idea what you mean by "this mod forces you to flatten terrain as your starting map is impossible to work with." If you want to a flat map, have you tried a Plains map or Verdant Plains map?

The mod isn't changing your maps - when Banished changes to a different version it will affects all of the maps.  Everyone finds that frustrating when they have favorite maps. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" title=":(" width="20" />  That's still going to happen when you try to use vanilla.

Rather than trying to use MegaMod, you should try Colonial Charter 1.75. That version of <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> is compatible with Banished 1.0.7. Once <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 8 is out of Beta, you can then use it.


sounds like you got frustrated and then when you did add the compatability mod, forgt to exit and reload. the game allowed you to play then the mistake caught up on you.when you add any mod,you need to let the game reload and then exit and reload the game completely.  you could try loading smaller mods or the <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> without the <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr>.


Anything built or produced before you add the compatibility mod will not be affected by it. You'd need to rebuild a bunch of stuff and find a way to clear your invventory of all items that get their flags changed. Basically, unless you add it before starting your new town or very early on (before anything problematic is built or produced", it's going to require way too much effort to rescue a town crashing because ofthe <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> 0.7 / Banished 1.07 compatibility issue.
