Veggie garden starts?

[EDIT] I am an iron tool it seems, can this be moved to the questions and help forum?

Not sure if this is the proper place for it but how do you make use of the vegetable garden starting conditions? I wind up with nothing I can plant, so what makes it different from the regular hard starting condition? Aside from a different number of bannies.

I have no idea
what mods are you using and what starts? i have never been able to get the veggy seeds at start. i do think it is due to other base mods setting the seeds. for starts using just KID mods would most likely solve that issue. with the veggy seed mod, u can trade for the seeds. then the veggys need sorted into a variety of foods at the sorting shed.

you can try a vanilla medium start and maybe that would work. again depends on the other mods you have enabled.