New Series of Banished with vanilla CC 1.76 as only mod, with focus on understanding CC, all buildings, items and pro...

Let's Play Banished Colonial Charter 1.76 EP 02 - Correct Size for Fields of Crops, Orchards Etc.



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Here's The Ideal Sizes for 1 man fields (the most efficient), From The Field Size Calculator at:

Crops: 11Tall, 11 Wide

Orchards: 4 Tall, 15 Wide

Graveyards: 15, 17 or 19 Tall, 20 Wide

Pasture: All Pastures need minimum 10 animals to split the herd, putting half of the one being split into a new, empty pasture. For Cows: 20 tall and 10 wide. For Sheep: 20 tall and 8 wide. For Chickens you get 30 by a 20 tall and 9 wide field, so I'm not sure of the ideal number, because the calculator don't give any ideal number that give 10 chickens. The optimal number for Pastures is 20 tall, 20 wide, this will make them need 2 workers each, but the extra worker won't produce anything extra. Also notice that if the size of the field make it impossible to divide the flock in two, there's a slider you can move to slaughter the animals you have too much of, to split them.

And here's a video from Shining Rock Software that explain agriculture and perhaps make more sense then mine.

[Image: 2v12kj6.jpg]

The Apricots are blooming and the Maple Trees are growing, Peas are being harvested, We are getting duck and venison from the hunter, roots, onion, blueberries and mushroom from the gatherers, and fish from where a new ship with new farm supplies is arrriving. We have doubled in size to 30 people, food-stores are growing, so expansion and going from surviving to living comfortably is closer then ever. I checked and there's a young adult in almost every house, waiting to start working somewhere else and make a new baby-boom. So it's time for Schools, Church, Graveyard, Town Hall for that invaluable census data.

Trying to think about a way to start gathering houses into a more dense district so I can make use of a market too. Also I just have to build a Gazebo (spread happiness)! So I'm thinking that a new node of Hunter/Gatherer's Hut/Herbalist/Forester away from the houses in the middle, since I got Shoremen ready to start digging clay, and with a Brick factory the movement speeds are going to massively improved if I spend them on roads and bridges, and a node with as little buildings as possible are to be preferred - at the same time as I can start using the Building Supplies, and being able to get access to more advanced buildings, upgrading the Blacksmith etc.


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New Series of Banished with vanilla CC 1.76 as only mod, with focus on understanding CC, all buildings, items and pro... - by Elvenkind - 04-30-2019, 05:08 AM