Colonial Charter Massive Lag

I have been experiencing massive ammounts of lag in Colonial Charter and do not know why exactly... But i have relised that everytime i hover over the flatten terrain signs the game goes into a state of lag whereby i can not do anything.... I really love the mod and wouldnt want to have to say goodbye to it. Can someone pls help me?



Are you running tons of other mods? Could be conflicts. What's helped me go from unplayable lag, to relatively smooth: 1. Deleted all other mods besides <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> and Megamod. I also deleted in file explorer, so it's just these 2 mods, although I think <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> has 2 files. I also removed all the old saves and switched to DX11. This took initial load time from 10+ minutes to 1 or 2 minutes total and game is running smooth, not as smooth as vanilla but very much playable. Good luck


you can delete <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> too !!

<abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> is included in <abbr title="MegaMod">MM</abbr> !!
