Hello! New to the mod, very nice work!
To make it short, the leather from hunting cabin is not being stored in the textile cellar, instead is being taken to the barn, which is really far away. The rest of the storage is working fine.
Anyone knows what could be wrong, or could recommend a good way to store leather close to the tailor? Thanks for the help.
Specialized "storage" has always been a bit hit and miss. We can't force Bannies to put things in them if they prefer general storage because they're not very bright.
You'll have better luck using general storage everywhere and putting small specialized market carts near the production buildings. If you put a textile market cart near your tailor, it should get filled with leather/wool/whatever other textile you're producing. The vendor there will spend their time bringing in small amounts from any storage to the cart so your tailor just has to cross the street to find what they need.
Would need to check with Kralyerg, but I think the outputs are similar. Upgrades don't change output, they just "renew" an otherwise exhausted mine, the last upgrade making it endless.
Whatever the mine, production will mostly depend on distance between workers houses and the mine, distance from mine to storage, and on how much time the miners spend working vs picking stuff from the market. Also depends on having enough labourers to move the ore from the mine's storage to town storage as the miners tend to slack on that task.