Does anyone else have to find a specific start in order to play?


The Dock buildings can go on dry land. (However, sometimes it's best to flatten the area 1st to make sure parts aren't buried under a layer of dirt.)  Since you always get Chickens or Leghorns with the Appalachian start, you might want to build the Dock Workshop which can produce Survival Coats from feathers & reeds (build a Reed Farm) as well as Rough Tools from Iron Ore. Also, the Dock Market has a large radius.

That seems like a good idea. Clothes are another thing that just get brushed under the rug for a while since it isn't 100% necessary for everyday survival. At least in the game it isn't.



I look for river banks near by that are 90° or parallel, so it is easy to place trading posts in a perfect line

Oh yeah. I can't stand not being able to build perfectly aligned to the water. I just can't build a town at an angle. It just doesn't work for me.



If I start with animals and seeds, sometimes I will dump a map and try again if I don't get at least 1/2 my favorites on start: wool-bearing animals (sheep or llamas,) a grain that can make DA (domesticated animals) oats, corn or barley, and cherry for trees (simply the best for yogurt, pies, AND taverns.)

Wool animals are definitely a must for me. If I don't start with animals, the first animals I look for are wool animals. I got lucky with the game I'm playing now because I didn't have to wait too long for sheep to appear once I set up a trading post.


My last...half dozen least, have all been Adam&Eve starts.  Call me a masochist!

Generally a heavy woodland map, with lots of water.  Been toying with mountainous maps for even more fun!  Doesn't have to be right on top of a river, but should be close enough to migrate or build toward very early so I can get some trading done.
