Distances and Spreading Out
I have a few questions on distances. I'm hoping someone can help me  figure this all out.      

1.  What are the radius circles on the Bakery. Does that mean only houses within that radius can use the bakery? or does the bakery have to be within a certain radius of a Mill?

2. When I spread out all over the map with little pockets of communities, can they all access objects across the other side of the map in the main central town? I usually add a school, market and lots of barns (which fill up at an alarming rate) to my little communities.

3. For example, if I put a tavern, Bakery and other luxury buildings in town, can my citizens from across the map and across the river visit those places or do I need to set up those buildings around my other communities?

I would appreciate any help on this.  At the moment I  have 312 Adults, 80 Students, and 58 kids.  I'm in year 79 and have 573,000+ food. I haven't set up any luxuries or water yet.

Thanks Smile

Messages In This Thread
Distances and Spreading Out - by bestistbuddy - 02-06-2020, 08:55 PM
RE: Distances and Spreading Out - by stiles - 02-08-2020, 02:48 PM
RE: Distances and Spreading Out - by bestistbuddy - 02-08-2020, 09:26 PM
RE: Distances and Spreading Out - by Apothicus - 01-24-2021, 04:57 AM
RE: Distances and Spreading Out - by stiles - 01-25-2021, 08:34 PM