Colonial Hall

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The Colonial Hall is a town hall that has been designed to fit in with our colonial architecture. Just like the original Town Hall, it provides vital information needed to run your town including:

Status: includes population figures and a list of professions showing number of workers assigned vs number. If you click on the right arrow for a profession, you can look at each location where workers are assigned (a neat trick when you can't find your blacksmith or need to find out where your construction projects are).

Production:  For each category this tab shows quantity on hand, year-to-date used vs produced and how much was produced in previous years.

Inventory: Shows the quantity on hand for every item. This can be sorted by name or quantity. You can view those items in storage, in trading posts or in homes. 

Graphs: Population and production stats can be shown in graphs

Nomads: Tells you how many Nomads are waiting to be invited to stay and lets you choose whether you will accept them

Trade Items:  Shows which crops, orchards and livestock you started with and have purchased.

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Once you have either a Colonial Hall or a Town Hall and a standard Trading Post, Nomads will be attracted to your town. A market is no longer required.

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  • To build: 120 Lumber, 8 Building Supplies, 1 Homeware and 160 Work

  • Size: 7 by 9

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