Help me trouble shoot this crash error...

I don't know the answer to your question, but one thing you need to look out for is that Materials need to have special models for being stored in a stockpile.

If you look at RawMaterialStone:

        { GraphicsMesh _mesh [ "Models\Resources\StoneMesh.rsc" ] }
        { GraphicsMesh _mesh

It needs these "Pile" meshes in order to show the little piles in a stockpile.  If you try and put a Material in a stockpile that doesn't have the pile meshes, it will crash things.


Actually, when I started typing this, I had your domesticated animal in mind, but your Lumber resource might be doing the same thing.  If your Lumber is a material (CoalFuel) it needs the pile meshes.  So if you demolish your building, it will give you your resources back, and if your lumber is miscoded, it will do bad things when they hit the stockpile.


Messages In This Thread
Help me trouble shoot this crash error... - by Kralyerg - 12-29-2016, 06:52 PM