I think I saw this on another Banished website and I thought "Wow, I'd love to have those models in Banished." [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" title=":D" width="20" />
Being in Australia with mostly British inspired architecture, the Eastern European architecture is somewhat exotic to me, familiar but stylistically different, so much so that I'm pretty certain that I'm going to buy this game when/if it becomes available.
I am very excited for this game!
I talked with the DEV privately and I am very optimistic. He seems to have the right approach and some interesting ideas how things should work. Can't wait to test the game during the alpha/beta test!
The setting (eastern europe) is refreshing and I'm sure every history buff will agree with me when I say how underrepresented these countries are in this genre.
The only thing that concerns me right now is the lack of randomized maps. But maybe they'll get added until release.
With the Dev's approach to map making, there may be the potential for users to make their own maps perhaps?
This looks pretty exciting! Even without random map generation, if one can use satellite imagery to create new maps, that's still a whole lot of potential variety.
I just visited the website to have a look around. I watched the teaser video on there and there's a mobile game being advertised right now on TV that his using footage from that teaser.
Hmm, I am still a bannie, I don't think this will win me over completely but there are aspects I love about this, in particular the non-grid dependant placement of structures and I don't know if those paths were put in or were created by the frequent passage of the villagers. Keen to give it a go and find out.
This looks very nice.
I'll buy it and give it a try when it will be out. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />