Why do these markets function differently?

I have solved my issue.  In short, I need to fill my markets with goods of each tag.  If all the other tags are full, and remain full, the vendors will focus on moving only the things I want: four food groups, fuel, tools, and clothing.  

I wasn't setting a high enough Max Limit for a few specific items: Construction, Industrial Fuel, Fuel, Iron and Raw Materials.  Also, I need to let these goods build up to a decent sized inventory for each market I have placed.

What I was doing was making all those goods "on demand".   Tool Production, for example, requires Industrial Fuel, Iron and Logs.  I kept my Limits on these items very low.  As these items were produced they were turned into tools.  My markets constantly attempted to stock these items at EVERY market rather than stocking what I wanted.  Instead, now I will produce large amount of these items (and others) and keep each stockpile high.

Now the markets stay full of Fuel, Industrial Fuel, Iron, Lumber etc. and focus on bringing in other things.


Messages In This Thread
Why do these markets function differently? - by smurphys7 - 12-10-2017, 03:28 AM