New Series of Banished with vanilla CC 1.76 as only mod, with focus on understanding CC, all buildings, items and pro...

Let's Play Banished Colonial Charter 1.76 EP04 - Massive Upgrade of Town Center

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I've come to the point in the game where a Quarry and Iron Mine are getting required, as simply scavenging the landscape for Stone and Iron is not enough anymore. Also a second Forester node is something to consider.

I had good luck with my trading partners and now have both Beef- and Frisian Cows, Horses and Sheep, in addition to Chicken ready in the Trader at the docs. Unfortunately I've almost created a cathastrophy by trading away food to obtain pairs of animals and seeds, but it all just need some extra time now and then the two new farms and 3 new pastures will start to stabilize this, is my hope.

I did place both Town Hall, Hospital, School, Church, Graveyard and a Marketplace that will cover the majority of the town when my alarm clock notified me that yet another half hour had been flying away, with me being busy doing other things then these that I had promised for the episode.

However now I got both Beef- and Frisian Cows, that (in addition to the poor horses) will give me a lot of leather and Sheep the wool that will make the Tailor able to make Warm Coats, and I have production ready for Firebundle and Charcoal, so hopefully I won't see that frost-symbol above anyone's house anymore. In addition I have chicken ready in the Trader's ship at the docks. Also I got two new crops growing. So specially when the pastures fills up I hope the food will rise above what I need again.

It have not been a practice I will reccommend to anyone though, to trade away vast amounts of food, in order to get new seeds and pairs of animals, but anything seem practical when the trader have something you really want.

Next episode will have to go at high speed, while I also add more crops, and wait for the Town Hall to give me the statistics I could really need to see already. When the Church and Graveyard, School and Hospital is ready as well, perhaps I get filled health and happiness to the top.

I got the fuel situation solved this episode, and hopefully within the next one I won't have to worry about food either. I'm glad there's no enemies in this game, because it's hard enough work to survive alone, but I'll do all I can to keep everyone's head above the water. With my backups of each save though, if I do manage to send the colony into a death-spiral, I'll go back a couple of episodes and redo them. This series won't end with failure, but with a good understanding of the mod and how to use it in a good way.

Another good idea is to add a Tavern or two, and start making Mead from Honey or build a couple of Abbys for Ale. Anything that will add food-production will be a priority, but I think things will become far more easy once the market is finished, since everything is so spread out as it is now, but the market will make a place that take care of the needs of the whole village.

[Image: 25am5oi.jpg]


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New Series of Banished with vanilla CC 1.76 as only mod, with focus on understanding CC, all buildings, items and pro... - by Elvenkind - 04-30-2019, 06:37 PM