Exchanging Coal for Iron Ore?
I have never noticed this before, but in a game I started a couple of days ago I noticed that Iron Ore would get "stuck" at a number (not a specific number) at times. It would "loosen up" if I saved and re-started. I also noticed that at times the amount of Coal would drop drastically. Not often though, but it threw everything out of order, so I got a little frustrated. When it happened this time I had just checked the amount of Iron Ore (which was stuck again), and noticed that it had increased by about (maybe exact, but not sure) the same amount of Coal that had gone "Missing". I try to keep all Minerals as close to 1000 as possible, that's why I noticed it.

Messages In This Thread
Exchanging Coal for Iron Ore? - by Angelhearth - 05-08-2021, 03:29 AM
RE: Exchanging Coal for Iron Ore? - by Vrayna - 05-09-2021, 05:00 AM