Unable to run MegaMod on Mac through Porting Kit

When I was using Wine, it was throwing up all sorts of problems and it's generally just a pain in the butt whenever you want to change your mods. 

The good news however is that it is possible to play this game with a lot of mods (this one included) on Mac. If you take a look at Bootcamp, you will be able to partition your hard drive so it's got dual boot with a windows OS. 

I highly recommend it over using Wine or any other VM. I've included a video which contains more information and a step-by-step instruction on how to install it (watch the full video before actually doing it though).

One other thing to take note on: the process does actually take quite a while to do though most of that is down to the installation and core set-up, so best to do it when you've got some spare time catching up on a TV show or something! It is usually about 45 minutes - 1 hr 15 minutes, so just keep in mind you won't be able to use the computer as normal while it's installing, etc. 

<iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Hmm9Q-T0oTo?feature=oembed" width="480"></iframe>




Messages In This Thread
Unable to run MegaMod on Mac through Porting Kit - by Jaamesy - 09-15-2018, 10:46 PM