Logging Orchard or Tweaked Existing Orchards

Is there a way to make an orchard that automatically triggers them to cut down some or all of the trees every 3-5 years? So there would be an orchard that you place (either with set 'wild' trees or you could select from the seeds you have). It would take up much less room than a forester, and could fit in a nice square area so I could sit it right inside my industrial area. Or even if it was a building like the white mulberry grove, but it produced logs instead of mulberry leaves. I realize I could do this with regular orchards, but that would require me remembering to go back and order them to be cut down every few years, and then I forget and they're producing fruit so I don't want to... It would be easier if it was automatic. So basically, I want an automated tree farm...


OR, if the existing orchards were tweaked so that when one of the old trees falls down and has to be replanted, it drops logs instead of just disappearing? I'd be really happy with that too. I mean, in real life they would probably cut the tree down when production dropped, not let it die of old age. Even if it did die on it's own, they'd still have to cut it up to remove it. It wouldn't just disappear.


Messages In This Thread
Logging Orchard or Tweaked Existing Orchards - by Horser01 - 12-30-2016, 11:00 PM