New Series of Banished with vanilla CC 1.76 as only mod, with focus on understanding CC, all buildings, items and pro...

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Hi, I've started a new series of Banished <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> 1.76, with no other mod, with a lovely map with short winters, so any crop will survive, and where being badass in Banished and beating it on Hard and Harsh+ surrunded by moutains in a desert, or something, to impress is not the goal, but where I try to fully understand the production chains of this wonderful mod, and how the production chains are connected to each other. Building all in <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> that make sense to build, while caring about my bani's every need.

I've already noticed a good amount of views (10 each day is extraordinary for me), likes and positive comments about learning the mod along with the viewers, to have a look at what the experts here write everytime I'm trying to learn something new, and a positive/constructive comment from someone to me about a video feel wonderful and make me want to finish what I've started.  And my goal is 900+ Bani's and also a nicely decorated map where everything needed is being produced.

Here's a good map of seed 69, that is impossible to find anywhere else on the web:
[Image: 2j1anmr.jpg]

But to the point: I'm hoping for some visitors from these forums, to get advice on how to procede. I'm a bit unsure if the sizes I'm using for pastures, orchards and crop fields are the right dimensions, and I'll be really thankful for anyone pointing out potentional errors, impeovements, or suggest things to build next. All such suggestions will be followed as long as it won't be counter-productive for the village, and as well as I'm able to do.

I'll write answers to this post for every new video posted, with a summary, like I do in the video-description.


Let's Play Banished Colonial Charter 1.76 EP01 - The Crossroads Build


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If you know Banished, but not Colonial Charter, I can only describe it as a mod that add so much new to the game that it would really fit better being called a community produced expansion pack then simply a mod, and it will be my goal with this series to understand the complex new toolbar and all the choices one have, to learn the production chains, how they are connected to each other and how to best use all the new options to make a larger, healthier and happier population. The end goal is 900 people, with a clear understanding of what buildings do what and in what order I best can add new. Look at the end of this description for photos that provide a better understanding of the new buildings and the things that can be made from the different buildings.

To download the latest version of Colonial Charter, go to:

Here you can download from one of the Admins of Black Liquid Software, esterhb, a guide of how to get an easy start, though it's not quite up to date anymore:<a data-fileid="2853" href="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2853"></a> I have asked and gained permission for giving this link.

Here's the Crop, Orchard, Cow Pasture, Chicken Pasture, Sheep Pasture and Graveyard Calculator, that let you figure out what size is the most effecient to have for each:

Here's the Colonial Charter Housing Guide:

Every produce available in Banished & Colonial Charter:

Temperature Chart For Crops:

I make no claim to have produced or to own these 3 last pictures, but with a lack knowledge whom have made them, I haven't been able to ask for permission to give links to them from tinypics, but if anyone know the author   I will contact the person to ask for permission to share the information. I enjoy having specially the second picture as a background picture, to use as a reference when playing. The same is the case for the title picture I'm using, found on google, I don't know the maker of it, but hope I can keep it if someone claim ownership, since it's such a beautiful picture.

Finally to learn about every aspect of the game, the Colonial Charter Wiki:

SPOILER: The result of our Crossroads Build. Everyone survived the first 4 winters, so I dare call it a successful attempt to demonstrate how it should be done. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />
[Image: 25g6p06.jpg]


Let's Play Banished Colonial Charter 1.76 EP 02 - Correct Size for Fields of Crops, Orchards Etc.



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Here's The Ideal Sizes for 1 man fields (the most efficient), From The Field Size Calculator at:

Crops: 11Tall, 11 Wide

Orchards: 4 Tall, 15 Wide

Graveyards: 15, 17 or 19 Tall, 20 Wide

Pasture: All Pastures need minimum 10 animals to split the herd, putting half of the one being split into a new, empty pasture. For Cows: 20 tall and 10 wide. For Sheep: 20 tall and 8 wide. For Chickens you get 30 by a 20 tall and 9 wide field, so I'm not sure of the ideal number, because the calculator don't give any ideal number that give 10 chickens. The optimal number for Pastures is 20 tall, 20 wide, this will make them need 2 workers each, but the extra worker won't produce anything extra. Also notice that if the size of the field make it impossible to divide the flock in two, there's a slider you can move to slaughter the animals you have too much of, to split them.

And here's a video from Shining Rock Software that explain agriculture and perhaps make more sense then mine.

[Image: 2v12kj6.jpg]

The Apricots are blooming and the Maple Trees are growing, Peas are being harvested, We are getting duck and venison from the hunter, roots, onion, blueberries and mushroom from the gatherers, and fish from where a new ship with new farm supplies is arrriving. We have doubled in size to 30 people, food-stores are growing, so expansion and going from surviving to living comfortably is closer then ever. I checked and there's a young adult in almost every house, waiting to start working somewhere else and make a new baby-boom. So it's time for Schools, Church, Graveyard, Town Hall for that invaluable census data.

Trying to think about a way to start gathering houses into a more dense district so I can make use of a market too. Also I just have to build a Gazebo (spread happiness)! So I'm thinking that a new node of Hunter/Gatherer's Hut/Herbalist/Forester away from the houses in the middle, since I got Shoremen ready to start digging clay, and with a Brick factory the movement speeds are going to massively improved if I spend them on roads and bridges, and a node with as little buildings as possible are to be preferred - at the same time as I can start using the Building Supplies, and being able to get access to more advanced buildings, upgrading the Blacksmith etc.


Let's Play Banished Colonial Charter 1.76 EP03 - Planning Dense Population Centre

I've avoided any problems with my saved games now, since I make a zip file of the content of the save game folder for Banished after each episode. A type of backup I urge anyone to use, if planning large cities. The save folder is located at C:\Users\Your Username\Documents\Banished\Save. I've just made a shortcut to the folder to where I keep all my other Banished files. So this is something I reccommend to anyone planning to play for long.

In this episode I move the Forester, Gatherer, Hunter, along with a Herbalist to a node by itself, I gain more fruits, vegetables and animals to boost the sinking growth of food , and i've had problems with too little firewood - perhaps because I used mainly food and firewood to gain the seeds and animals...

Next Episode I will build a market at the original crossroad, and more dense and perhaps more varied buildings for housing, a Town Hall, School, Church and Graveyard, and prepare for nomads to add to the original population that have been dying off from age almost as fast as new children have been born now.

Unfortunately I lost all my Apricots due to an infestation, but the Maple trees are finally yielding sap, that I can turn into Maple Syrup with a Sugar House.

Time flies, and I didn't expect the time to run out before after I had built the abovementioned, planned for next episode, but experience tell me that when I start making episodes into hour long + videos, nobody bother to watch.

Soon I can put in use the Building Supplies, when I get produced Furnace Fuel for the Brickworks, I can dig sand and make a Glass the same way, and more advanced options will present themselves. So I look forward to what this first population center will become with some work and upgrades. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> I've added the original stockpile and large barn to be deconstructed as well, and reconstucting elsewhere, since they are in the way of the market and the perfect place for it. All those frost icons on the houses are started to make me worried. Perhaps I'll neeed a new forester and woodcutter, but I do plan to convert the fuel source into coal or coke.








Not sure why video and picture above is not as in the other posts, nor do I know how to delete a post, so here's the video and picture if you don't bother to click [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


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[Image: ixxid0.jpg]


I subbed but I'll be honest with you I don't have time to watch longplays , maybe at the end of series I'll check what have you build , always love to see new building ideas. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Good luck!


2 hours ago, Slavepetrich said:

I subbed but I'll be honest with you I don't have time to watch longplays , maybe at the end of series I'll check what have you build , always love to see new building ideas. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Good luck!

I love longplays. I can sit and watch City Skylines projects that last hours, or good series that I don't want to end. It's like binge-watching something new that seemed ordinary, but unexpected to see it's good at Netflix or something, but understand that not all have time. Uploading Episode 4 upload to YouTube now, so it should be a new post here in an hour or so. Thanks a lot for subscribing, I actually have 3 new since I started, that's something that totally will give me inspiration to finish what I've started, so I'll send you a msg when the project is nearing the end and I feel I understand <abbr title="Colonial Charter">CC</abbr> in and out, that anyone that have watched will do the same, and have a bunch of snobs for banis. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />  Have a nice week!

With kind regards, Elvenkind.


Let's Play Banished Colonial Charter 1.76 EP04 - Massive Upgrade of Town Center

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I've come to the point in the game where a Quarry and Iron Mine are getting required, as simply scavenging the landscape for Stone and Iron is not enough anymore. Also a second Forester node is something to consider.

I had good luck with my trading partners and now have both Beef- and Frisian Cows, Horses and Sheep, in addition to Chicken ready in the Trader at the docs. Unfortunately I've almost created a cathastrophy by trading away food to obtain pairs of animals and seeds, but it all just need some extra time now and then the two new farms and 3 new pastures will start to stabilize this, is my hope.

I did place both Town Hall, Hospital, School, Church, Graveyard and a Marketplace that will cover the majority of the town when my alarm clock notified me that yet another half hour had been flying away, with me being busy doing other things then these that I had promised for the episode.

However now I got both Beef- and Frisian Cows, that (in addition to the poor horses) will give me a lot of leather and Sheep the wool that will make the Tailor able to make Warm Coats, and I have production ready for Firebundle and Charcoal, so hopefully I won't see that frost-symbol above anyone's house anymore. In addition I have chicken ready in the Trader's ship at the docks. Also I got two new crops growing. So specially when the pastures fills up I hope the food will rise above what I need again.

It have not been a practice I will reccommend to anyone though, to trade away vast amounts of food, in order to get new seeds and pairs of animals, but anything seem practical when the trader have something you really want.

Next episode will have to go at high speed, while I also add more crops, and wait for the Town Hall to give me the statistics I could really need to see already. When the Church and Graveyard, School and Hospital is ready as well, perhaps I get filled health and happiness to the top.

I got the fuel situation solved this episode, and hopefully within the next one I won't have to worry about food either. I'm glad there's no enemies in this game, because it's hard enough work to survive alone, but I'll do all I can to keep everyone's head above the water. With my backups of each save though, if I do manage to send the colony into a death-spiral, I'll go back a couple of episodes and redo them. This series won't end with failure, but with a good understanding of the mod and how to use it in a good way.

Another good idea is to add a Tavern or two, and start making Mead from Honey or build a couple of Abbys for Ale. Anything that will add food-production will be a priority, but I think things will become far more easy once the market is finished, since everything is so spread out as it is now, but the market will make a place that take care of the needs of the whole village.

[Image: 25am5oi.jpg]


Banished Colonial Charter 1.76 EP05 - Good Town Hall Statistics


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My food is getting back to normal and beyond, while Town Hall statistics did show that I had some massive drops in food during the last 10 years, the overall growth is in an upward trend.

I've finished most of what I've started last episode and also many things I got from another building bonanza this episode, so this is probably the last episode where I can fit the whole village in one screenshot.

I got Town Hall, School, Market, all the housing I placed around the market, Graveyard, and this episode I added a Dairy where my two cow pastures are, and a butcher for my Cheval (Horse Meat), turning it into Tallow, Sausage and various other processed foods, just like the milk will be turned into cheese, butter and cream in the new Dairy. I also added 4 more farms, and got 4 different seeds now, I got two Apiaries producing Honey, and a Brewery producing Mead for the little Inn I addded, and I also got myself pigs this episode, so I'm guessing when I get all 5 pastures in full production, then I'm going to get a massive food boost.

Since the houses I've been building only got room for each family to produce 2 children, I have to upgrade them all and also build a lot of new houses. A baby boom, producing youth that get educated and more effecicient in their work, won't hurt the statistics either. The only thing I absolutely need soon, is a quarry, since I've almost picked every stone near the village, but I have no workers, so if I get finished the Boarding House and Hospital first, some Nomads would be a great boost to stop the trend I've had where all the original inhabitants now is dead from old age and resting in the new Cementary, but I need to be absolutely sure that I have 100 food per person and a year supply in storage before I do so, or else Nomads is a quick way to send the whole town into a death spiral.

I'm really glad that I didn't need to jump back episodes or start over again anything at all. Actually everything seem to be doing very well indeed, and I expect even better statistics from the Town. I feel I'm begginning to understand the basics of the mod, so all is good. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

[Image: 5yvl7s.jpg]

Let's Play Banished Colonial Charter 1.76 EP06 - Preventing Tool Death Spiral. Nomads Accepted.


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Sorry for the cut in the end, only way I could do it to prevent the video from reaching almost 60 min.

As title tells: I had a struggle to prevent a total collapse of the colony, when I tried to upgrade the blacksmith, and didn't notice how long it took. Gladly I figured out why the building of all the buildings were so delayed, and that was a lack of stone, so building two quarries, and also a iron mine for the blacksmiths, where I can also mine coal and start making steel tools, with the new forge. I've got most buildings ready now, hospital and boarding house was just in time, as I got 7 nomads, and 2 of them were sick.

Got church finished, smoker, dairy, schoolhouse, and 8 11x11 fields producing 4 different crops and I only lack a couple animals to have them all. Food have been rising steadily for 5 years now, so I can start focusing on things like building materials and other non-food buildings. Also to start overproducing something valuable, to have for trading directly into food. This way I might produce more food then what I'm making with all my farms, orchards and pastures.

I added a new forestry node, and will probably add a third one, outside the reach of the market. I like how densely I've gotten everything built, and with children getting educated and potentionally steel tools the next episode, as well as all the brick roads I've built this episode, the production is going to be enourmously improved. I'm thinking that I might add more nomads, but in small numbers at the time, like the 7 I accepted now. Anything 15-20+ is potentionally going to set the colony into a death spiral that can't be stopped.

I really need a growth of children and educated adults, so I will check the work-places and whether or not more housing is needed closer to them. All in all, after surviving the total lack of tools, and getting tools for everyone again, I feel I can reach my goal. In one of the episodes soon I'm hoping to build a new lake-district, using all the docks buildings for production and the homes that also can be built on water. I still haven't reached 100 population, but I'm thinking it's going to be more easy to go from 100-200 then 0-100 etc. I'm thinking I will need time to get the population to 900 though, and hoping that all the Colonial Charter buildings and Production Chains will make sense and seem logical at that time.

Thanks to everyone that follow the series. I'm going to have to continue some of the other series I'm working on soon, and also introduce other, interesting games.

Worked out ok in the end, need a new blacksmith soon. Overproducing food. LOTS of buildings that have to be built, and mining have become required, so things are moving a bit slow, but I'll go for an educated baby-boom the next episode. 

[Image: vsg7ic.jpg]
